Page templates enable you to define templates for creating new pages. They can be invoked in a few ways:

  • Explicitly using the command
  • Explicitly using a custom command configured in the template
  • Implicitly when configured to be used automatically for a specific page prefix.

A page template is a template using the hooks.newPage attribute (in Frontmatter).

The following configuration options are supported:

  • suggestedName: the proposed name for the new page, can use template placeholders such as {{today}}.
  • confirmName: Confirm the suggested page name before creating it (defaults to true).
  • openIfExists: If a page with the suggestedName already exists, open it instead of overwriting it. This is useful to implement page templates like Daily Note.
  • forPrefix: automatically apply (or offer, when multiple page templates match) this page template for page names that start with this prefix.
  • command: expose the snippet as a command.
  • key: Bind the snippet to a keyboard shortcut (note: this requires to also specify the command configuration).
  • mac: Bind the snippet to a Mac-specific keyboard shortcut.

An example:

tags: template
  suggestedName: "πŸ“• "
  forPrefix: "πŸ“• "
# {{}}
As recorded on {{today}}.

## Introduction
## Notes
## Conclusions

When using the command and selecting this template, this will prompt you to pick a page name (defaulting to β€œπŸ“• β€œ), and then create the following page (on 2023-08-08) when you pick β€œπŸ“• Harry Potter” as a page name:

# πŸ“• Harry Potter
As recorded on 2022-08-08.

## Introduction
## Notes
## Conclusions

In addition, this page template will be used automatically when you create any new page starting with β€œπŸ“• β€œ by navigating to a new page matching this prefix, such as β€œπŸ“• Foundation”.

As with any template, the frontmatter can be used to define Frontmatter for the new page.